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sheep_reading MTLF Sponsors Online Book Clubs   cell_phone
online book club

Join Our Book Clubs! Each day we'll email you a 5 minute portion of a book. During the week you can read 2-3 chapters and decide if you want to purchase the book online, at your local bookstore or check it out at your local library. Every Monday we start new books. Sign Up And Start Reading Today!

New Sign
Montville Township Public Library -- ELL (English Language Learners) Programs for Fall 2024 Semester will kick off 9/16/24! FREE for Montville adult residents! For further information, please click here.

literacy quote by Mark Twain

penLiteracy has been described as the ability to read for knowledge and write coherently and think critically about the written word. Literacy can also include the ability to understand all forms of communication, be it body language, pictures, video & sound (reading, speaking, listening and viewing).  Literacy represents the lifelong intellectual process of gaining meaning from print. The key to all literacy is reading development, which involves a progression of skills that begins with the ability to understand spoken words and decode written words, and culminates in the deep understanding of text.

World Literacy Rate 2015